Posting Video to Facebook

Facebook enlist common guidelines users on upload Video or Photo from iPhone/ iPad. Here I went over the all believes exactly what's that and how we can use or change it. Also important for those who experienced low video quality on HD screen or Streaming to other platform from iOS gadget, Due to bandwidth Optimization and Low Data usages on upload Video or Picture in your Facebook account, By Default HD video and Picture disable, That user can enable in alternate ways. Posting Video To Facebook, Also mind the Upload HD video on Facebook settings is gadget specific, Not suitable at all (Other Gadget or Web).

Posting Video To Facebook

Keep enable both setting on your iPhone/ iPad, prior to you begin publishing high quality media captured or taped on HD cam.

Likewise inspect your cam settings, set it on high camera resolution. Wait and Upload HD video on Facebook. Otherwise Stream live recording or Upload video using Facebook Video camera.

Actions for Enable Upload HD Video on Facebook iOS app: HD Photos also.

All Settings must be enabled on your iOS device, additionally you can use it but I recommended enable at both options.

1: Go to the Settings app on iPhone/ iPad.

2: Scroll Screen, Discover Social app section in list.

3: Tap on Facebook,.

4: See my iPhone screen, Facebook app installed so it's showing Installed.

5: Next Tap on Settings > Scroll Down and Enable Upload HD toggle under Video section.

That's it. Likewise you ought to go for another app settings display in below.

Make It Possible For Upload HD Photos and Video from Facebook app.

1: Launch Facebook App on iPhone/ iPad.

2: From below tabs strip tap on more setting icon.

3: Next, Tap on Settings > Account Settings from Popup.

4: Then, Tap on Videos and Pictures.

Enable Upload HD Toggle under both Video and Photos section.

More Really helpful Facebook app settings there, Stop car play FB video. Opt for that and Modification that you desire.

List of all supported Facebook Video Format is here.

After enabled HD Video or Photo you will feel experience, by taking more time to publish it on your account. To make faster upload procedure, Repeat above actions and Disable Upload HD video on Facebook and HD Image too.

Such articles Posting Video To Facebook from my thank you for visiting hope can help you.