How to Hide Birthday On Facebook

How To Hide Birthday On Facebook | There are a couple of reasons that a Facebook user might wish to alter their birth date or hide it on Facebook. The first one is personal privacy, you are most likely to be the victim of identity scams if you make it known the precise date of your birthday. The other reason may be if you are a minor (under 18yrs) on Facebook you may not desire anyone to understand that you are for cyber security factors.

How To Hide Birthday On Facebook

The 3rd factor is that your teen has lied about their age on Facebook when establishing their account so that it remains in fact an adult account (over 18yrs) rather than a minor account, and you might wish to fix the birth date on their account so that they are getting the stricter privacy settings that a minor account supplies.

What Is A Facebook Minor Account?

There are 2 different kinds of accounts on Facebook for profiles, an adult account where all the settings are by default public, or a minor account where there are a few additional privacy settings enabled to secure teens. Please note a small account with the additional safety settings is not stop working safe, because a lot of children accept buddy requests from individuals they have no idea often to appear more popular. But having a small account is more suitable. There is more about Grownup and Minor accounts and exactly what the difference is here on Facebooks Help page.

Changing or hiding your birth date is relatively basic you simply have to go back into your Standard Info area in your or your teenagers account and change the settings in a few locations. NOTE: you cannot lock these settings for your Teen, your kid can change them any time, it truly needs to be an arrangement in between you and your Teen to keep them personal and sincere.

Here's HOW!

Start by navigating far from your "Home" timeline location on Facebook back to your "Profile" Timeline, simply click your profile name top right of your Facebook house page. Then decrease to simply under your cover picture Click "About".

Scroll down to "Contact And Fundamental details" in the left menu, cross right to "Fundamental Details" and hover your cursor far right of your Birth Date and/or Birth Year and click the edit button.

Here you can change the birth date or set it to "Your Pals" Or "Me Just" to conceal it from sight.

Note: You can also only reveal friends your birth date, (not the year of birth) if you want them to send you a happy birthday dream on your birth date.

On Minor (under 18yrs) accounts the choices are restricted only to friends and buddies of buddies.

KEEP IN MIND: many children faked their birth dates to obtain an account on Facebook prior to they were 13 yrs of age. So check your child's birth year on Facebook and make certain it is set properly for their age, so that they take advantage of some extra teenager personal privacy settings.

Well, that's all we can tell about How To Hide Birthday On Facebook thanks may be useful.