How to Find Out who is Following You On Facebook

Facebook does not have a feature that lets you inspect How to Find Out who is Following You On Facebook; however, you can utilize one of numerous Facebook applications to determine who your greatest follower or fan is on Facebook.

The applications collect and examine data based on which users like your status updates the most and which users comment or interact with you the most.

Who Follow

How to Find Out who is Following You On Facebook

Step 1. Log in to your Facebook account house page. Type "My Leading Fans" into the search box at the top of the page.

Step 2. Click the "My Leading Fans" application. Click on "Go to App.".

Step 3. Pick "All Fans," "Female Fans" or "Male Fans." Click "Allow" to permit the application to access and examine your information.

Step 4. View your eight leading fans. Select whether you desire to publish the results to your wall or save the results as an image. If you desire to do neither, click "Skip.".

Tips & Warnings

- There are a number of other applications you can use to discover who follows you one of the most. Basically, they all work the same method. Other applications include "My Leading Followers" and "My Leading Pals.".

- Be careful when dealing with Facebook applications, as they are developed by 3rd parties. If you utilize an application that publishes spam on your wall, click "Account" followed by "Privacy Settings." Select "Edit Your Settings" beneath "Apps and Sites." Click the "X" to remove the doubtful application's consents to access your profile.

Such an explanation from us How to Find Out who is Following You On Facebook thank you.