How to Make Your Photos Private On Facebook

How To Make Your Photos Private On Facebook | As you might have not noticed, each time you alter your profile photo (or cover picture) on Facebook, it becomes instantly public. Nevertheless, there may be some instances that you might not desire individuals to see your profile image due to privacy factors. So in this article, we are going to show you ways to quickly make your profile picture private again.

How To Make Your Photos Private On Facebook

Personal privacy is essential, that is why we require to ensure our things do not go into the wrong hands. Here are the actions on ways to make your FB profile photo private:.
1a. Initially, go to your Facebook profile.

2. Next, click on your profile photo. If you are trying to find an old profile image, navigate with the arrow secrets (left or right), or go directly to Photos > Profile Pictures and click on the profile image you want.

3. Click on the Edit button on the best side.

4. Click the drop-down button that says "Public" listed below the date alternatives and choose "Only Me" if you don't wish to reveal it to anybody, or whichever audience you select (Friends, Close Friends, your custom groups, etc.).
5. Click "Done Editing" once you are done.

With this alternative, Facebook will not show your profile picture completely to those who can not access it, but it will still appear as a small image on your profile. This is practically just to avoid individuals for commenting or sharing your profile picture.
Benefit Of Making Your Facebook Profile Image Private.

As we all know, personal privacy is an essential thing, especially in the period today where every bit of information is currently on the Web and people are unconsciously letting them out, no matter how personal they are supposed to be. When you keep your Facebook profile photo personal, there is a less chance that you will be bugged.

Your photo will likewise be safe from evildoers who use random pictures of people for dating websites and pornography. Likewise, if you are a professional photographer and utilized among your shots as a profile photo, keeping it private will lessen the opportunity of people taking it as their own.


Hiding your full-size Facebook profile photo from the general public is a good thing to keep your privacy up. How To Make Your Photos Private On Facebook Share this with your friends and family so that they will understand the significance of keeping photos private.