Change Facebook Login Email

Avoiding unauthorized entry and use of your Facebook account has been made a lot much easier. You ask how? There are several methods to do that, among them is by altering your e-mail address and we'll be revealing you Change facebook login email in this post.

Change facebook login email

Change Email

On Your Facebook Application:

1. Click on the menu button at the leading right hand of the Facebook page.
2. Scroll down and tap on "Account settings".
3. Tap on "General".
4. Tap on "Email".
5. Tap on "Add Email Address" to add the brand-new e-mail address.
6. Enter the new e-mail address and enter your password then tap on "Include Email" at the bottom of the page.
7. If you currently have more than one email address signed up to your Facebook account, tap on "Primary Email".
8. Choose the email address you desire to put as your primary e-mail address.
9. Enter your password and tap on "Save".

On Your Internet browser:

1. Click in the leading right corner of Facebook.
2. On the drop down menu, click "Settings".
3. Click on "Contact".
4. on "Add Email Address" to add the brand-new email address.
5. Click on "New email" and type the new e-mail address you wish to include and click on "Include".
6. If you currently have more than one e-mail address registered to your Facebook account, tap on the other email address to make it your main e-mail address.
7. Tap on "Save modifications".