Delete All Post In Facebook

Facebook and personal privacy have a complicated, ever-changing relationship, though things appear to be approaching stability now that they've agreed to make sharing opt-in. Still, some folks may want to walk away from Facebook and leave no trace. Exfoliate is an Android app that lets you permanently remove all or some of your posts, likes, and comments from your own or your friends' walls. Delete All Post In Facebook.

Possibly you awakened from a long night and recognize you have actually made an awful error, posting lots of embarrassing pictures (or worse) to Facebook. Maybe you have actually just chosen that your 5 years on Facebook were experimental and you 'd rather proceed.

Delete All Post In Facebook

In either case, erasing more than a number of posts or pictures can be a significant discomfort. just recently composed up a cool Android tool called Exfoliate that can scour your Facebook history and permanently delete some or all content. (iPhone users need to see it concern the App Shop quickly.) Here's the best ways to use it:

Facebook Wall before Exfoliate.

- Install Exfoliate from the Android Market.

- Inform Exfoliate which data to erase. This is primarily uncomplicated, arranged into time and material type. If things do not appear to work out the very first time, try again with.
Background Override checked. If you're on a network you trust, you can uncheck Usage Https Just to speed up the operation significantly.

Step 2: Pick data to delete.

- Check in to Facebook. Exfoliate doesn't maintain your log-in info.
- Authorize Exfoliate as a Facebook app. It requires a great deal of consents, as it has a great deal of work to do.

- Now is your last chance to reassess. Start Exfoliate by tapping the huge button on the bottom of the screen.

Step 5: Begin processing.

- If you get cold feet or all of a sudden remember you need to conserve a photo or 2, you may have a chance to stop some removals. Exfoliate starts with the oldest data, so you can tap the cancel button and hope you caught it in time. If not, it's gone forever, so think thoroughly.
- This is a slow process. If you're erasing more than a few posts, you should probably leave it running and plugged in over night.

Facebook Wall after Exfoliate.

That's it Delete All Post In Facebook Similar to any other app or service that makes irrevocable changes, you should think thoroughly before utilizing it. For some users, however, Exfoliate might be a life-saver.